Eurogenes Auctions

#3 Louiselle EQUATION x Lory-Uzies VG-87-FR VG-88-MS 2yr.

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This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
3 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Custom offer
Lot description

* One of the most successful show families from France!
* Same famly as Huddlesford Duplex Medora - Int. Champion European Show Fribourg '13
* Family which produced several show winners like Twin Miza - Grand Champion Space, 1st place Swiss Expo & more
* Full sister to this combination has: +19 DGV-Conf & +3.39 PTAT!

Can be shipped to
Sire: Louiselle EQUATION [more info]
Dam: Lory Uzies VG-87-FR VG-88-MS 2yr. | Huge show family from France!

Lory Uzies VG-87-FR VG-88-MS 2yr.

(Yorick x Xacobeo)

Top ranking PTAT Cow in Europe

  • Huddelsford Duplex Maedora | Same family
  • Twin Uzela | Same family
  • Twin Miza VG-88-FR 2yr. | Close family member
  • Twin Uzellie EX-90-FR | Full sister to grand dam
  • Twin Uzella VG-88-ES | Full sister to grand dam

Reg No.



December 2, 2012

Production Records

  • 2.02 223d 12,187lbM 3.7%F 2.9%P (In progress)

Genomic Results

  • US 08/21 GTPI +1762 / NM $ -408 / PTAT +2.05 [Details]
  • CA 04/14 DGV-LPI +2941 / Conf. +21


  • One of the highest PTAT cows in Europe (04/14)
  • Full sister has PTAT +3.58 / Conf. +18 (04/14)
  • Close family to Huddelsford Duplex Medora - Int. Champion European Show '13
  • Dam is full sister to Twin Uzelli EX-90-FR - Grand Champion Normandy Show '13
  • Same family as Twin Miza - Grand Champion Space '11 & Twin Uzella - 1st place Swiss Expo '11
  • 3rd dam sold to Switzerland where she scored EX-93
  • This family delivered Sires like Milan, Mason, Megabuck and Modest


  • Mars YORICK-ET
  • Lory Fine Uzies VG-87-FR
  • 2.05 352d 19,703lbM 3.9%F 3.3%P
  • 3.06 305d 23,089lbM 3.5%F 3.2%P
  • Mario XACOBEO
  • Twin Goldwyn Uzie VG-87-FR 2yr.
  • 2.02 305d 15,838lbM 4.1% 650F 3.4% 538P
  • 3.03 394d 20,009lbM 4.1% 820F 3.6% 717P
  • Full sister to Twin Uzelli EX-93-FR, National Champion France 2014
  • Full sister to Twin Uzella - 1st place Swiss Expo '11
  • Braedale GOLDWYN
  • Twin Uzie EX-93-CH La3.
  • 3.08 361d 20,402lbM 4.5% 928F 3.6% 739P
  • 5.00 305d 21,087lbM 4.6% 972F 3.5% 739P
  • Sold to Switzerland & Scored EX-93 there
  • Res. Jr. Champion SIA Paris 2007
  • 7th at Swiss Expo Lausanne 2010
  • Maternal sister to Twin Miza VG-88-FR 2yr. Grand Champion SPACE Show 2011

Next Dams

  • 4th Cepra Rubensa EX-90-FR
  • 5th Cepra Justee VG-89-FR
  • 6th Meadow-Bridge Rosetta VG-86-CAN
  • 7th Meadow-Bridge Rena VG-85-CAN 1*
  • 8th Normac Royalmast VG-CAN 8*
  • 9th Normac Royal Emile EX-CAN 4*
  • 10th Normac Robyke Emile VG-CAN